As part of our Detroit: The City of Hot Rods and Muscle Cars story, we wanted to shine light on an impactful organization here in Michigan, Rainbow Connection, which helps grant wishes come true for Michigan children with life threatening medical conditions and provides support services to eligible wish families in need.

Yesterday we met Bryce and his mom Andrea at Rainbow Connection in Rochester Hills. Bryce, 12, is battling ALL (leukemia) which he was diagnosed with in March of 2022. Bryce is a big fan of muscle cars and Hot Wheels and has started a small collection of his own. As part of the Hot Wheels story beat in the film on how Hot Wheels inspired generations' love for hot rods and muscle cars, we wanted to show how today's generations are still drawn to these small diecast replicas of the iconic cars we see on the streets and in collectors garages. Bryce's mom, Andrea, talked with us about the complexities and difficulty of learning her son had Leukemia. Through a sit-down interview with the executive director, Ingrid Todt, we gained a deeper understanding of why the Rainbow Connection is considered one of Michigan's most respected children support group organizations, which was founded by L. Brooks Patterson in 1985.

After filming with Bryce, we bolted over to the Edsel Ford House in Grosse Pointe to film with the Driven By Design display of the world’s only 1939 Lincoln Continental prototype, the 1932 Ford Model 18 Speedster, and 1934 Ford Model 40 Special Speedster. This will be featured in our film during the section about design.

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Trailer |  Cars & Caffeine |  EyesOn Design - Ford House |  The Legendary Silver Bullet |  Pontiac Museum |  Mike Wagner's Mopars On The Pond |  Rose Senior Living/MHRA Car Show |  Cruisin' Ruthy |  Short Trailer | 
